Are you feeling unproductive?

6 min readMay 14, 2021
source: pixabay, author: Cdd20

I am obsessed with achieving high levels of productivity for myself.

As a working adult on a full-time job, I commit myself to work on office hours for the weekdays. Sometimes I pull longer hours if there is a need. Here, I feel truly productive.

However, this obsession with productivity becomes tiresome when wired in other directions. For example, during the weekends or after working hours, when I don’t find myself doing enough productive activities (such as learning, side hustles, etc.).

I feel the lingering sense of dread of being unproductive.

If you have felt this way, like I did, then read on. I wrote this as a reminder to myself that feeling and being “unproductive” outside of work is not always a bad thing. In fact, you can make changes to your lifestyle and achieve higher productivity all-around.

What is Productivity Guilt?

The first step to resolving any problem is understanding what it is. After some Googling, I found a term for how I felt — “Productivity Guilt”.

source: pixabay, author: Counselling

It’s an apt term to how I felt — guilty that I was not being productive.

Different sources cite multiple origins of productivity guilt. Some people get it when they compare themselves with other high achievers, while others are simply addicted to the feeling of being productive, or may even feel a sense of burnout at work.

It’s ok to feel this way

It’s not wrong to be inflicted with productivity guilt.

Humans are hotwired to be productive. From when we start school, we are encouraged to work hard, with the promise of a better future. In the workplace, we are also encouraged to pursue the “long climb” of the career ladder, so that we can receive favorable outcomes (e.g. higher compensation, more rewards) to better ourselves.

source: pixabay, author: Free-Photos




Senior Engineering Manager, Ascenda Loyalty | Former Engineering Manager, Grab | Former Director of Engineering, ZilLearn |