Figuring It Out — It’s Google’s Cool-bernetes time | #2 — Best ways to manage your GKE Cluster!

10 min readDec 24, 2023

Ask anyone who uses Kubernetes for the first time what tools they use to manage their Kubernetes cluster, and the first two answers you’ll get are usually “Google Cloud web console” and “kubectl”.

Granted, these are the immediate tools that one has access to when starting with Kubernetes (not to mention, free!). However, there’s much more out there than using the “rawest” of tools provided!

Here are four different ways you can control your Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Cluster, at no charge! (all open-source or free tools!)

I’m also building this GitHub project along with these posts, do check out this project and run it yourself, if you are keen to learn along with me!

Link to everything in this series so far:

1. Beginner’s best friend — Cloud Console

If you are migrating to GKE from other tech, and are not familiar with using Kubernetes in general, you’ll likely…




Senior Engineering Manager, Ascenda Loyalty | Former Engineering Manager, Grab | Former Director of Engineering, ZilLearn |