“Saving $35000 with one change!” — How does “value creation” start with me, as an Individual Contributor to an Engineering Lead?

7 min readApr 15, 2022
source: pixabay, artist: mohamed_hassan

Let’s get to the point — what is “Value Creation”?

Well, it is the process of transforming resources of any kind or form (time, money, materials, etc.) into something that an organization values.

But…why does it matter to us?

It matters because it justifies your reason for belonging to any organization. Some might even go further to call it a “motivation” — for if you present from a consistent to an exponential net positive value to an organization, it could very well mean that you are also growing and honing your skills as an individual contributor. The opposite of having zero to net negative value could not be any more detrimental either, where you end up stifling your growth when prevented from creating true value.

Beyond motivation and growth in self, a larger reason is to build Trust. I’ve elaborated on a similar topic before, where Trust is a function of Competency and Integrity. What better way to grow Trust, than to increase Competency, by demonstrating the value that one can bring to an organization?

Direct value creation…




Senior Engineering Manager, Ascenda Loyalty | Former Engineering Manager, Grab | Former Director of Engineering, ZilLearn | bit.ly/weiyuan